Louis Repucci

Hell's Kitchen Season 8


  • 'Hell's Kitchen' exclusive interview: Louis Repucci
    'Hell's Kitchen' exclusive interview: Louis Repucci
    2010-09-30 / Examiner.com
    ... comes to the Blue Team on "Hell's Kitchen" this season, there really could not be two more polar opposites than Raj Brandston and Louis Repucci . One of them was a man disliked by much of his team who made a number of mistakes over the course of the show, while the other was a well-liked...sent you home over Sabrina? Louis: I think a big part of the cooking environment is technical, but when you introduce a story element and you try to tell a story there's considerations you have to make there. I work really hard to be a team player in the kitchen and anywhere in life. I didn't perform that ...
  • Hell's Kitchen Season 8: Exclusive Interview with Raj Brandston and Louis Repucci
    Hell's Kitchen Season 8: Exclusive Interview with Raj Brandston and Louis Repucci
    2010-09-30 / Realitywanted
    ...Louis. Both performed poorly in the kitchen but Raj was sent home during an elimination when it should have been one of the losing members of the red team walking out the door. Today, the two chefs spoke to RealityWanted in an exclusive interview and gave their thoughts on Chef Ramsay, their teammates, and their performances in Hell's Kitchen...: Louis, how did you feel about your blue team this season? Who stood out to you for their leadership or cooking abilities? A. Louis:... the show that you'll talk to and stay in touch with? A. Raj: Oh yeah, I already partied with them! Hell's Kitchen airs...
  • Hell's Kitchen Season 8: Episode 4 Recap
    Hell's Kitchen Season 8: Episode 4 Recap
    2010-09-30 / Realitywanted
    ... The task for each chef is to show their creativity while creating a unique ravioli ... in a tie going in to the final two dishes. First, Gail presents her well-prepared...seasoned and Trev is congratulated for his bold mixture (which wasn't even tasted by his teammates) earning the blue team a win. Despite Trev receiving the winning point, Ramsay is impressed with Vinny's dish and decides to put it on the menu for Hell's Kitchen...elimination. Although Sabrina was voted up for elimination again, Ramsay decided on Louis. To find out what happened in the first hour of Hell's Kitchen . Hell's Kitchen...
  • 'Hell's Kitchen' recap: Louis Repucci eliminated on episode four
    'Hell's Kitchen' recap: Louis Repucci eliminated on episode four
    2010-09-29 / Examiner.com
    season eight on Wednesday. "'Hell's Kitchen' definitely kicked my butt, but that's good for people," Repucci said after being eliminated. "That's how we grow." Relive the last episode: Louis' elimination came after a very poor dinner service where he couldn't get his station under control. The team felt he dragged them down, and head chef Gordon ... control, screaming profanity and flailing her arms; it was insane! The men's nominations were much calmer (Louie and Boris). For more TV recaps, news, and interviews, follow Amanda on Twitter and click Subscribe at the top of this page
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Louis Repucci
Louis Repucci
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